Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Theme 8 - Photographs

It was on the most unfortunate day for me because I lost him forever.Four years have passed
since that day,the only thing left with me is your memories which are always alive and our
- Divneet Kaur Walia, MBA(MM)­, I Year

Memories & photographs were the only things that had kept her alive. . .
After the one, in those two, was not !!
- Mehul Newaskar, MBA (MM), I Year

She lost her memory in an accident. Thank god, he was a photographer.
- Priyanka Agrawal, M.Sc., III Year

It was my demand. And you had agreed to it, like you had agreed to everything in the past one year. 
It haunts me. But I still visit it every night - 
Our selfie. In front of the mirror. Just after we made love, for one last time.
- Priyanka Dharamsi, MBA (MM), I Year

A perfectionist in black and white, he always carried her around in his shirt pocket. She had eyes so blue, he could see the ocean in them; hair so wild, they ran down her shoulders, all open.
Well, Annie had herself photographed in his heart. She never existed.
His love for her sure did...
- Charu Rawat, M.Sc., III Year

मम्मी वो फ़ोटो तब खिचवाने राजी हुई जब पापा ने कहा "कम-से-कम एक फ़ोटो तो हो निर्मला, मेरे बाद जिसे देखकर तुम रो सको।" सचमुच कुछ फोटोग्राफ्स ऐसे लगते है जैसे अभी बोल उठेंगे।
वो फ़ोटो दीवार से हटवाना पड़ी क्योंकि पापा को उस फ़ोटो के सामने घंटो गुमसुम खड़े देखा नहीं जाता था।
- Rahul Jharia, MBA (MM), II Year

वो रोज़ाना अपनी च्चत पर बालों को सुखाने आती थी..
तब छींटे उन बूँदो के आते थे मेरी नीची च्चत पर. जो गिरते थे मेरी किताब पर, जिसमे उसकी तस्वीर को रोज़ पढ़ा करता था.
- Vibhor Upadhyay, M.Sc., II Year

आजकल पढ़ने में मन ज़्यादा लगता है, लगता है किताबों से प्यार हो गया है मुझे
जबसे उसमें तुम्हारी तस्वीर छिपाई है, हर वक़्त किताबों में छुपे रहना अच्छा लगता है ।
- Divya Bharti, M.Sc., II Year

आँगन मे बढ़े चूल्‍हे पर बतियाती हुई बड़ी भाभी और गीता मक्का की रोटी सेंक रही है और छोटी सरसों तोड़ने मे व्यस्त..माँ, सूरज औरश्याम भैया खटिया पर पानदान जमा रहे है..राजू और चींकी मेरी तरफ दौड़ते हुए आ रहे है..वो तो एक तस्वीर थी..आज तीसरे चूल्‍हे परबना खाना खाउँगा..
- Zoya Warsi, M.Sc., II Year


  1. Charu, I was glad to see your story here. :) you made me go 'Aww' :p
    Pri, Divya and Rahul- loved yours :)

  2. Zoya, beautifully written! :)
    Thanks, Priyanka... :D I loved yours and Priyanka di's too...
