Sunday, February 2, 2014

Theme 5 - Note

Credits: Google

The servant brings a note for Rohit but his work kept him too busy to read it. After hours when he finished his work, he opened the note that read that his best friend who was going to a far away land the next week had to leave that day itself and he wanted to meet Rohit before he left.
- Divneet Kaur Walia, MBA (MM), I Year

The note read: Gone for coffee with friends, Maa. We'll have dinner together.
She read it daily, not knowing whom to curse.
Him: The carefree son, Herself: the working mother or The Drunk Driver.
- Priyanka Agrawal, M. Sc., III Year

She left a note. Woke up, read it. Found her lying dead.
She had left a suicide note. My fault, I was incapable but lied to her. She thought maybe it’s because of her and she left me for another woman to find. One lie and still today I am living with that one note.
- Ashish Kumar, MBA(MM)­, II Year

On my next table, gang of 4 girls was enjoying a cheese burst pizza madly. Laughing, bitching, teasing, clicking pictures…
After fully satisfied, they left. I ran towards them shouting “Hey! Listen!”
One of them finally turned, came up to me, smiled at first and then hugged me saying “Thank you for returning my "Note 2".
- Shruti Singh, MBA (MM), I Year

Like the past sixteen days, every morning he’d leave me a small note. Sometimes, with just the words ‘Dinner at nine tonight.’ or ‘Wear red today.’ which assured me in some way that he’d return.
Today, the waiting had to stop. He had left me a huge stack of fresh and crisp currency notes. It was business, after all.
- Priyanka Dharamsi, MBA (MM), I Year

I never read the note assuming it was never there, I like to believe it was a murder, keeps me from feeling guilty.
- Sahil Chandwani, MBA (MM), I Year

Monotonous & passionless days. Scanty time for loved ones. Ready to drop on bed.
6:30 am: Huge voice note from my lady love, starting with all the complaints & anger then a calmed down voice inspiring & directing me for things affectionately, ending with
"I am there with you always. I Love You. Miss you. Great day!"
Momentarily speechlessness. Serene smile.
- Rashmeet Kaur Bedi, MBA (MM), I Year

Credits: Tumblr

आयकर ने मामूली सरकारी बाबू पर कार्यवाही कर बेहिसाब कालीकमाई जब्त की। बाबू से पत्नी ने पूछा "तुम्हारे सालों से ये काम सफाई से करने और हमारे इतने सादेपन से रहने के बावज़ूद इन्हे तुमपर शक़ कैसे हुआ?"
बाबू सोचते हुए बोला " मुझे नोट गिनने के लिए मशीन नहीं खरीदनी चाहिए थी। "
- Rahul Jharia, MBA(MM)­, II Year

अवंतिका अपनी ज़ुल्फ़ों के पीछे छुप, कागज़ उठाते अक्सर नज़र आती थी। और रोहन, वो तो बस देखता रहता या कहो कि उसे देखने के लिए रोज़ाना उससे टकराने के बहाने ढूँढता। इसी उम्मीद में कि शायद अवंतिका के सामने अपने प्यार का इज़हार करने में ये नीचे गिरे नोट्स ही कुछ मदद कर दें।
- Aakruti Jain, M. Sc., I Year

Second entry:

बैंक में घुसते ही किसी ने पूछा "बहनजी 500 के खुल्ले होंगे? बड़े अंतर्द्वंद के बाद 500 के नोट के बदले मिले खुल्ले लेकर वह अजनबी वहाँ से चला गया। नंबर आने पर जमापर्ची सहित नोट हाथ में लेते ही कैशियर ने नोट जांचकर कहा " ये नोट तो नक़ली है, कहाँ से मिला?"
- Rahul Jharia, MBA(MM)­, II Year

Credits: Nidhi Soni

PS: 'Note' could be anything - a message note, a currency note or a musical note. :)