Every night he dreams of a city with bright lights. Fast paced life, running for the unachieved, intense competition and dire needs. An awesome night life, going bananas with the music and drinks, and exploring the unexplored. He knows living there is living in extremities.
Yet, every night he dreams of a city with bright lights.
- Jaya Kataria
Name, fame, reputation, he had everything any individual would desire for, a big house, a family, a profitable business. . .
He was happy; still the picture was not perfect. He wanted to show his success to the people of his home-town which he had left decades ago to become someone, he is someone, but don't know who.
- Mehul Newaskar
Walking with hundreds of unknown people..No freaky stares..Street food..Street shopping..
But, the best part is when I lean from the local train, holding the pole, feeling the cold breeze on my face and wind blowing my hair; that’s how all stress drains out in seconds! That’s when I realize I am in love with Mumbai.
- Shikha Sharma
You kept demanding, I kept denying. Bits by bits, I gathered courage. More so, because I hated the fights we had. Rather, fights your hurt ego used to put up. So, started telling you a yes. Started fulfilling your wishes. Escaped from home. Today, when I stand in your city; I realize, I've come a long way.
- Priyanka Dharamsi
An ambitious school graduate was lured out of the village borders for a job. She thought that her education could earn enough for her father to quit farming. While being booked for her first customer, she realized that the pay was decent but, the job wasn't. The dealer just said "Welcome to the CITY".
- Lokesh Dugar
No big colonies, a population of around 3-4K with no bifurcation on cast.
People fought sometimes, not because of jealousy or grudges but, innocence.
Life was simple, calm and love was all around.
Elderly people were respected; new generations pampered, loved & taken care of.
This heavenly city, for me, was named "St.Paul's"; generic name "school".
- Shashank Mehta
Recently Mumma had opened old albums and her childhood pictures. She was telling about the city, how it was and how it is now. Nothing changes suddenly but, when you turn back everything is changed.
From their lifestyle to ours.
- Khyati Jain
Things in a metro were different from his home town – people, language, food, everything.
New friends were not loyal. They were brutal and vicious. And, among them he lost his innocence.
Now, life gets satisfied by pleasure for him and not by the real goal with which he came to this new city.
- Sanchi Bahrani
Your voice echoes inside my head, shakes my soul and the heart shatters.
I hate CCDs, the winter breeze is daunting, no more bike rides, no more VIP road.
You where never mine so I let you go. Now you'll never know how much I love you and how much I hate Bhopal.
- Paridhi Mahendra
"तुम्हें दस दिन के टूर पर कोलकाता जाना है।" बॉस के ये शब्द सुनकर विधि कि आँखें चमक उठीं। उसे मालूम ही ना चला कब वो शहर कि उन गलियों कि यादों में खो गई। अरसों बीत गए थे उस मिट्टी को छुए, जहाँ उसे ये ज़िन्दगी तोहफे में मिली थी। अपने बचपन के उन हसीन पलों को जैसे फिर जीने का मौका मिल गया था उसे।
- Tanya Jain
वो जो नदी में गन्दगी और ज़हर मिलाता है, विकसित शहर कहलाता है।
और वो जो नदी को पावन मानकर उसकी पूजा करता है उसे देहात का दर्जा मिल जाता है।
- Gaurav Salvi

Second entries:
I've seen mountains, touched clouds, roared in the adventure, dived in the sea, flown with the wind and basked in the sun. I've experienced everything a new city could bring me.
Yet, my quest to find the city of peace stays incomplete.
- Jaya Kataria
"अब मैं यहाँ और नहीं रह सकती। विनोद, चलो यहाँ से!" नुपूर अपना बैग पटकते हुए चिल्लाई। "माँ, तुम भी चलो ना," विनोद बोला, "यहाँ अकेले कैसे रहोगी?"
लाचारी में हामी भरती हुई माँ अपने आँसुओं को चुपके-से पोंछकर कमरे कि ओर बढ़ गईं। मन में बस एक ही सवाल था- क्या शहर में इस घर कि यादें भी होंगी?
- Tanya Jain
मगर जब खुले आसमान के नीचे सोना प्रकृति के करीब होना हो तो गाव।
- Gaurav Salvi
शहर: जहाँ पढ़े लिखे, देश के प्रति जागरूक लोग बस्ते है, बस उन्हें अपने पडोसी को हो रही तकलिफ की खबर नहीं होती।
- Gaurav Salvi
शहर : जहा तुवा वतानिकुलित व्यायामशाला में जाकर खुद को कढोर बलवान कहते है और गाव, जहा युवा मिट्टी खोद कर खुद चट्टान बन जाते है।
- Gaurav Salvi
I just want to fly high as a free bird, limitlessly wandering to every place of my city with Kites. To all good and bad lanes.
But… it’s just a dream!
- Khyati Jain
But… it’s just a dream!
- Khyati Jain
Today forget about the deadlines, word-limits, break up and gym. Don't stress upon the future. Don't curse the dumb people around you.
Walk along the VIP road. Wonder why shades in the dark; why 'Miyan' before every sentence, why females in veil but jeeps are open.
Breathe easy and smile.
Bhopal means vacation.
- Paridhi Mahendra
Walk along the VIP road. Wonder why shades in the dark; why 'Miyan' before every sentence, why females in veil but jeeps are open.
Breathe easy and smile.
Bhopal means vacation.
- Paridhi Mahendra
Jaya and Paridhi: Loved both of yours both entries. Brilliant! :*
ReplyDeleteShashank: everybody's gonna relate to this one.. good one! :)
Lokesh, Shikha, Tanya: Nice! :)
Thnx piyuu ... Loved urs ... Style hi alag hai
Delete:D Thanks a lot!
DeletePriyanka..loved your story :*
ReplyDeletePut up so amazingly!
Thank you so much Apoorva! :D
DeleteYou too write na? Waiting for your stories.. :)
Priyanka superb.
ReplyDeleteJaya keep going. Paridhi & Shashank liked yours.
Shikha I am in love with mumbai too. :P Nice.
Lokesh yours was good too.
Khyati cute one. :)
Thnk U . :)
Deletethanku rashmeet :)
DeleteThanks a lot Rash! :D
DeleteShashank .... Bhai dil ki baat keh gyaa tu .. :):)
ReplyDeletePriyanka ... Very appropriately put into 55 words ...
Shikha ... Masst likhaa h ... Nicely put up ... :)
Thnxx rashmeet ... :)
Thanx bhai.... :):)
DeleteThanks Lokesh! :)