Gifts have never thrilled me; I have always received so many expected gifts on my birthdays..!
But one day even though it was not my birthday, I met him on Face book, and as time passed by I realized that He is the Gift from the Universe, the gift for the lifetime - My Beloved.
- Disha Joshi
And for all her deeds and prayers she got the ultimate gift from God - a ‘daughter '.
She got a new life, world and reason to smile. Now she can see herself in everything, from the curve of her daughter's lips to the curl of her hair. 'Thank you' was all what she said.
- Nayan Pandya
It’s been 5 years, when I recited my last prayers at the school assembly. And since then, the only reason I join my hands and bow down to the Almighty, is to thank Him for GIFTING me my personal GOD in the wrapping of a MOTHER...
- Lokesh Dugar
He was sure that he won’t be seeing her again. Cursing himself each moment for what he has done. There was no life in him.
00:47 “Wish bhi nahi karega?”
After two months of dead silence between the two, she gifted him his life back again.
Though the birthday was hers.
- Piyush Kumar
Unable to die, unwilling to live, I lie on the bed; immobile and helpless, I curse god to poison me. “Let death be the perfect gift for me, this birthday.” She trots over, climbs the bed and plants a kiss on my cheek, teary one. She gives me love; a better gift.
- Smit Patel
They had everything in their lives – Love. Care. Smile. Laughter. Tears. Fights...
They lived with a feeling of togetherness. A feeling of belongingness. A feeling that made both of them complete.
They had it in their hearts. They had it in their souls.
All that lacked was the best gift they could possess – Expression. Of those feelings!
- Mohit Kalra
After 18 months of postponing plans to later or never, changing diapers, being plucked on, getting punched several times and 12% less hair due to harsh snatching; today he came around searching for me, calling out my name shyly, “Sittyyy”.
I got my return gift after all, I guess.
- Priyanka Kabra
He could travel all around the world, but he would never find a gift as precious and as perfect as his wife gave him.
Their newly born daughter.
- Harshit Bhatnagar

And tears roll down my cheeks looking at all the presents he gave me. It was time to bid adieu to him and his memories. But a letter holds me back, the one in which he expressed his feelings, the best gift.
I can't let him go. I can't let US apart. I can't... not like this.
- Jaya Kataria
A friend called after a long time to meet somewhere..Surprised, full of questions still excited to meet her, I went to the café. She later took me to her home and gave me a parcel - A box full of gifts, gifts and more gifts.. I was amazed!
HE had parceled the box under her name.
- Anjali Hardia
I desired an unique gift for her birthday, but no material thing could serve the purpose. It has to be special, because that is what she is to me.
The thought made me shiver, I was thrilled, and would she accept, what she couldn't ever have?
The gift was a part of me; my baby, now hers!
- Osheen Shrivastav
Wandering through a second hand book store, I found a copy of Wuthering Heights. A message was scribbled on its first page,-
"This book is a mansion of a high class of haters who carry immense amount of love in their hearts."
It has been the best gift I've ever bought for myself.
- Priyanka Agrawal
She was old, helpless but was forced to earn her livelihood as she was alone.
I, being so young, can't even earn as I am blind and have polio.
I wish either of us could gift a complete life to any one of us.
- Ankita Methwani
The tree loved everyone unconditionally. It was his passion to gift people with all that he had. He continued giving away fruits to the hungry and shade to the tired, even when he was being slaughtered to death. He asked for nothing in return, even while gifting away his life.
- Rohan Bapat
Like always, she went to the old age home to celebrate her birthday.
Few couples there enjoy her company. An old man there, wished her and said "Will you be my daughter? And will never leave me alone?"
She touched his feet, smiled and with teary eyes, nodded.
What could be a better gift for an orphan?
- Shruti Singh
Every year she went to the orphanage to meet the small children.
Indeed smiles and blessings are the best birthday gifts she could have.
- Meenal Bhatia
Her friends were hurt to the core, feeling betrayed.
She was unaware that her talks were getting converted into gossips.
She thought she will lose her friends, lose their trust for ever.
But lucky girl was blessed with friends who gave her acceptance, forgiveness, love and warm hugs.
The best 'Gift' she could ever receive.
- Paridhi Mahendra
After a series of life changing thoughts, YESTERDAY, I started my day with an apology.
“Sorry God for always being so demanding. You gifted me loving PARENTS, trustworthy FRIENDS, HEALTHY body & an opportunity to LIVE this day.. I'll try that every day I spread at least 10% of the HAPPINESS you've added to my life. Thank you!”
I can't let him go. I can't let US apart. I can't... not like this.
- Jaya Kataria
A friend called after a long time to meet somewhere..Surprised, full of questions still excited to meet her, I went to the café. She later took me to her home and gave me a parcel - A box full of gifts, gifts and more gifts.. I was amazed!
HE had parceled the box under her name.
- Anjali Hardia
I desired an unique gift for her birthday, but no material thing could serve the purpose. It has to be special, because that is what she is to me.
The thought made me shiver, I was thrilled, and would she accept, what she couldn't ever have?
The gift was a part of me; my baby, now hers!
- Osheen Shrivastav
Wandering through a second hand book store, I found a copy of Wuthering Heights. A message was scribbled on its first page,-
"This book is a mansion of a high class of haters who carry immense amount of love in their hearts."
It has been the best gift I've ever bought for myself.
- Priyanka Agrawal
She was old, helpless but was forced to earn her livelihood as she was alone.
I, being so young, can't even earn as I am blind and have polio.
I wish either of us could gift a complete life to any one of us.
- Ankita Methwani
The tree loved everyone unconditionally. It was his passion to gift people with all that he had. He continued giving away fruits to the hungry and shade to the tired, even when he was being slaughtered to death. He asked for nothing in return, even while gifting away his life.
- Rohan Bapat
Few couples there enjoy her company. An old man there, wished her and said "Will you be my daughter? And will never leave me alone?"
She touched his feet, smiled and with teary eyes, nodded.
What could be a better gift for an orphan?
- Shruti Singh
Indeed smiles and blessings are the best birthday gifts she could have.
- Meenal Bhatia
Her friends were hurt to the core, feeling betrayed.
She was unaware that her talks were getting converted into gossips.
She thought she will lose her friends, lose their trust for ever.
But lucky girl was blessed with friends who gave her acceptance, forgiveness, love and warm hugs.
The best 'Gift' she could ever receive.
- Paridhi Mahendra
After a series of life changing thoughts, YESTERDAY, I started my day with an apology.
“Sorry God for always being so demanding. You gifted me loving PARENTS, trustworthy FRIENDS, HEALTHY body & an opportunity to LIVE this day.. I'll try that every day I spread at least 10% of the HAPPINESS you've added to my life. Thank you!”
- Shashank Mehta
Gift is love and affection of person to other. It’s a beautiful binding of memory and blessing. One of beautiful gift of my life is best friend, who understands you, listens to all your pains and joys and also becomes a part of your life's events. So was my grandfather. He is no more, but always blessing me.
- Khyati Jain
A chocolate decorated with a ribbon-bow! Yes, she was gifted this from a newly met friend. He wanted to add the sweetness of chocolate in her life; to share a bond of love and trust .And in return; she shared chocolate with him just to show that she "accepts" his proposal! The feelings became a memorable gift!
- Sanchi Bahrani

टुकडो में जीतें हैं दोनो कुछ अधूरे वादों के साथ
फिर भी "तोहफे" में मिली एक-दूसरे की मुस्कुराहटें
ज़िंदगी आसान कर देती है....
- Nikita Kumawat
16 साल हो गये हमे एकसाथ...रूबींना की एक ख्वाहिश हमेशा अधूरी रही...वो भी अपना वज़न बढ़ा देखना चाहती थी..अपने अंदर एक ज़िंदगी महसूस करना चाहती थी..उन चंद महीनो को जीना चाहती थी जो मैं उसे देने मे नाकाम रहा..आज..यतीमखाने से ज़िंदगी का क़ीमती तोहफा पाया था...
- Zoya Warsi
हर बार की तरह मैं उसे देख कर देखती ही रह गयी..
वो भी मुझे देख बस सर झुका कर निकल गयी..
और करते भी क्या..
377 के इस तोहफे से हमारे प्यार पर बंदिशें जो लग गयी थी..
- Gaurav Salvi
हर जन्मदिन पर सालो से तोहफे मिलते आए है..ख़ास लोगो से..पर वो दिन आम दिन था..और वो तोहफा देने वाला भी कोई आम इंसान...लेकिन तोहफा ख़ास था..और उस तोहफे से वो अजनबी भी मेरे लए ख़ास बन गया..क़्युकि उन आँखों ने मेरी अंधेरी ज़िंदगी को रोशनी का तोहफा दिया था...
-Divya Bharti
शादी के उस रिसेप्षन में, कुछ महेंगे तॉहफ़ों के बीच एक स्टील का डब्बा रखा था, जो मनीष को उनके घर के बूढ़े नौकर कन्हैय्या काका ने दिया था. शायद खुशियाँ बटोरी थी लाड़ साहब के लिए हर लम्हे की, लिफाफे मे क़ैद करना पाना मुश्किल था.
- Vibhor Upadhyay
Second Entries:
- Zoya Warsi
हर बार की तरह मैं उसे देख कर देखती ही रह गयी..
वो भी मुझे देख बस सर झुका कर निकल गयी..
और करते भी क्या..
377 के इस तोहफे से हमारे प्यार पर बंदिशें जो लग गयी थी..
- Gaurav Salvi
-Divya Bharti
शादी के उस रिसेप्षन में, कुछ महेंगे तॉहफ़ों के बीच एक स्टील का डब्बा रखा था, जो मनीष को उनके घर के बूढ़े नौकर कन्हैय्या काका ने दिया था. शायद खुशियाँ बटोरी थी लाड़ साहब के लिए हर लम्हे की, लिफाफे मे क़ैद करना पाना मुश्किल था.
- Vibhor Upadhyay
Second Entries:
All throughout his life, his working parents showered him with presents. Little did they know, the only gift he ever wanted, was their time.
- Harshit Bhatnagar

He now knew what the real "gift" was.
- Harshit Bhatnagar
The Christmas eve was all about gifts for him. He'd write a letter a week before the Christmas to Santa, asking for something he wanted. Little did he know, the Santa lived in his house.
- Priyanka Agrawal
Lokesh, smit, ankita, rohan, awesome..! Shruti paridhi mast :-)
ReplyDeleteBaaki sabki including mine also ;) apni to achchi hi hai re baba..! Ye sabki kuchh zyaada achchi hai :-D
Good work guys..!
@Piyush.. awesome!
ReplyDeleteHIndi wali to sabki.. mashallah...
@Disha ji dhanyawaad..
@all this is a great relief from a hectic work day...
@Ms. Dharamsi... thank you for including us!
Lokesh bhai 1 no.
ReplyDeletePriyanka,Piyush,Ankita,Osheen,Shruti... :):) too gud ..
Priyanka Dharamsi... Ur skills are missing ??
Thank you shashank ;) :)
DeleteShruti, that was too good!
ReplyDeleteAnkita, amazing!
Smit, your stories are always different, always very good!
Piyush, you heard it. It was very good! :D
All the stories are very good! Feels Good to read these amazing thoughts :)
Keep up the awesome work people!