In today's world I am a source of help to people of all the age groups,whether it is helping students or people in the corporate and IT sector to make their work easy.Moreover I help people to make a wide social network,And I can do all this because I am the Internet.
He left me to join those popular kids.
What if I told him his penfriend from Delhi, in reality, is his classmate, me?----------------------------------------
I always knew it was him. I chose to move away, couldn't see him every next morning, pretending like nothing happened when I poured my heart out to him every last night.
- Sahil Chandwani, MBA (MM), I Year
Despite of being together for 2 years, Placement took him miles away...
Felt insecure, isolated, and blue.
He explained but things were not as they use to be..
Started using internet - Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook.
Felt he is close, sitting in front of me.
And now it’s been 6 years, the CHARM in the relationship is more than before.
- Nancy Neel, MBA (MM), I Year
She thinks we don't like her but we love her most. She just went without informing us and hasn’t shown up since two hours but she forgot that she booked her ticket online through her dad's account.
My crazy and stupid daughter!
“Don’t worry Sheetal! I have called her bua. They will receive her at the airport.”
- Ankita Methwani, MBA (MM), II Year
Sweltering coffee mug over the table outlined my lady’s silhouette through the steam. Thousand miles away from each other, I was broken, we were parted.
Suddenly, laptop screen grabbed my attention. I blushed, oh yes! It was a ping. Miles of spaces between us were twisted with a single 'CLICK'.
- Aman Soni, MBA (MM), II Year
Was not understanding it, at the age of 88 your thinking process usually is slow.. At the same time, my grandson entered my room & seeing me in despair he just said, granu just google it na...
Now my thinking process had shifted to what this thing Google is...
- Mehul Newaskar, MBA (MM), II Year
14-year-old Avish was trying to find answers online for his geography assignment, trying to search for “places in UK that produce pork”.
A little spelling mistake in the word ‘pork’ that day was how he was introduced to the dark world of fantasy.
- Priyanka Dharamsi, MBA (MM), I Year
Today, I’m missing you like hell.
Going through our old conversations, suddenly I saw, you unblocked me...
Daily I type long messages of my feelings, but never sent thinking of that day when you left me.
haaahhh... unbearable!!!... Bloody internet!
No I'll not message you, you'll leave me again.
I messaged you – ‘Please block me again.’
- Deepika Piplodiya, MBA (MM), I Year
Hrida, 1 year old. Connect to her through facebook, gmail and twitter.
Hrida, 1 year old. Connect to her through facebook, gmail and twitter.
Internet! (Sighs) Bringing people closer.
- Priyanka Agrawal, M.Sc., III Year
Couldn’t complete my higher education. Thought to see this dream through my son..
One day he asked me a question, I was unable to answer.
Sad, he said- "You cannot mom?”.
Embarrassed, I found the answer.
When he became the first to answer the question in class, he hugged me asking "how could you?”
I smiled and said- "Internet!”
- Saranga Mungad, MBA (MM), I Year

'आतंकवादियो के धमकी भरे ईमेल से राजधानी में अलर्ट’ टीवी पर ख़बर देखते ही मैंने कहा " अब धमकियाँ भी ईमेल दी जाने लगी ? तभी श्रीमति ने फ़रमाया " हमारे ड्राईवर ने बीबी को तलाक़ भी ईमेल से ही दिया है।" मैं बुदबुदाया " वाक़ई भारत में इंटरनेट क्रांति हो चुकी है। "
- Rahul Jharia, MBA(MM), II Year
सुना है इंटरनेट को सब पता होता है..शायद नुक्कड़ वाली चाची इंटरनेट होगी..
- Vibhor Upadhyay, M.Sc., II Year
पहले माँ को अभिशाप लगती थी..मगर आज खुद को..सिकुड रही हू मैं और मेरा अस्तित्व...मेरी खाल का एक जाल उस सौदागर ने बनाया जो कइयो के अंतरंग को जगारहा था..उनकी अल्प मूल्य
प्रगाढ़ता को उकसा रहा था और यहाँ कुरेद रहा है मुझे अंतरजाल..
- Zoya Warsi, M.Sc., II Year
Internet! (Sighs) Bringing people closer.
- Priyanka Agrawal, M.Sc., III Year
Couldn’t complete my higher education. Thought to see this dream through my son..
One day he asked me a question, I was unable to answer.
Sad, he said- "You cannot mom?”.
Embarrassed, I found the answer.
When he became the first to answer the question in class, he hugged me asking "how could you?”
I smiled and said- "Internet!”
- Saranga Mungad, MBA (MM), I Year

'आतंकवादियो के धमकी भरे ईमेल से राजधानी में अलर्ट’ टीवी पर ख़बर देखते ही मैंने कहा " अब धमकियाँ भी ईमेल दी जाने लगी ? तभी श्रीमति ने फ़रमाया " हमारे ड्राईवर ने बीबी को तलाक़ भी ईमेल से ही दिया है।" मैं बुदबुदाया " वाक़ई भारत में इंटरनेट क्रांति हो चुकी है। "
- Rahul Jharia, MBA(MM), II Year
सुना है इंटरनेट को सब पता होता है..शायद नुक्कड़ वाली चाची इंटरनेट होगी..
- Vibhor Upadhyay, M.Sc., II Year
पहले माँ को अभिशाप लगती थी..मगर आज खुद को..सिकुड रही हू मैं और मेरा अस्तित्व...मेरी खाल का एक जाल उस सौदागर ने बनाया जो कइयो के अंतरंग को जगारहा था..उनकी अल्प मूल्य
प्रगाढ़ता को उकसा रहा था और यहाँ कुरेद रहा है मुझे अंतरजाल..
- Zoya Warsi, M.Sc., II Year
Sahil, loved your story. Felt the pain. :)
ReplyDeleteVibhor, short and sweet, mast! :D
Thank you soo much!!! :)
DeleteSahil, you got me thinking..
ReplyDeleteVibhor, bohat khoob..
And Pri, excellent thought. Best treatment for this theme.
:) Thank you, Pri!