Eliot has said that at the touch of love everybody becomes a poet. For us, things were a bit different. When poetry touched us both, we became lovers.
- Priyanka Agrawal, M.Sc., III Year
Has it really been so many years? People say love flies out of window after a few years but it hasn't. I still love your fragrance; your cushioned and brown skin; the passion with which you kiss me; the pleasure you give me. I was, and I will always be madly in love with you, my dear Chocolates..
- Anusha Gupta, M.Sc., II Year
Rohit was busy changing girlfriends and was indulged in with some or the other girl.One day he asked Amit "You don't believe in love or you are a boring guy?" Amit replied "dude for me love is not spending hours together but having respect for someone in my heart."
Has it really been so many years? People say love flies out of window after a few years but it hasn't. I still love your fragrance; your cushioned and brown skin; the passion with which you kiss me; the pleasure you give me. I was, and I will always be madly in love with you, my dear Chocolates..
- Anusha Gupta, M.Sc., II Year
Rohit was busy changing girlfriends and was indulged in with some or the other girl.One day he asked Amit "You don't believe in love or you are a boring guy?" Amit replied "dude for me love is not spending hours together but having respect for someone in my heart."
- Divneet Kaur Walia, MBA (MM), I Year
They met at the library. He was a writer. Friendship bloomed. She fell in love with all he wrote. Little did she know that she was the inspiration behind all he wrote. And he was too shy to confess his love..
-Meenal Bhatia, M.Sc., III Year
She was in love with the skies, the meadows, the wind blowing across her face, the meandering waters, and almost anything that could keep her happy from within.
"In an ideal world, I'd be a goat-herder", she declared.
Well, she never found her ideal world; for, the existing one was too busy making bigger plans.
We went trekking. Shared coffees. Terrace moons and strolls in the garden. Watched movies and even attended concerts.
Each hangout with him made me realize how different we were. And how much I didn't love him.
I'd forever be grateful to that guy who made me fall in love with myself. All over again.
दो मुख्तलिफ ज़ायक़े दिलकशी के शोरबे मे घुल रहे थे..रक़ीक़ उंस बना रहा था..दीदो की गुफ्तगू दम भर रही थी जो लम्हो की आँच मे कुछपक रहा था और प्यार...महक रहा था...
एक बादशाह को अपनी कनीज़ से मोहब्बत थी। एक बार पड़ोसी राज्य में एक बैठक के दौरान महफ़िल में किसी ने उनकी कनीज़ का मखौल कर दिया। बादशाह तुरंत बिना कुछ बोले-बताए वहाँ से रियासत वापस आ गए। उन्हें पता ही नहीं चला की उन्होंने वापिसी का पूरा सफ़र अकेले और पैदल तय किया था।
कनीज़= female servant मखौल= travesty
They met at the library. He was a writer. Friendship bloomed. She fell in love with all he wrote. Little did she know that she was the inspiration behind all he wrote. And he was too shy to confess his love..
-Meenal Bhatia, M.Sc., III Year
She was in love with the skies, the meadows, the wind blowing across her face, the meandering waters, and almost anything that could keep her happy from within.
"In an ideal world, I'd be a goat-herder", she declared.
Well, she never found her ideal world; for, the existing one was too busy making bigger plans.
- Charu Rawat, M.Sc., III Year
We went trekking. Shared coffees. Terrace moons and strolls in the garden. Watched movies and even attended concerts.
Each hangout with him made me realize how different we were. And how much I didn't love him.
I'd forever be grateful to that guy who made me fall in love with myself. All over again.
- Priyanka Dharamsi, MBA (MM), I Year
- Zoya Warsi, M.Sc., II Year
एक बादशाह को अपनी कनीज़ से मोहब्बत थी। एक बार पड़ोसी राज्य में एक बैठक के दौरान महफ़िल में किसी ने उनकी कनीज़ का मखौल कर दिया। बादशाह तुरंत बिना कुछ बोले-बताए वहाँ से रियासत वापस आ गए। उन्हें पता ही नहीं चला की उन्होंने वापिसी का पूरा सफ़र अकेले और पैदल तय किया था।
कनीज़= female servant मखौल= travesty
- Rahul Jharia, MBA (MM), II Year
हम दोनों सबसे अच्छे दोस्त थे एक दुसरे से कुछ नहीं छिपाते थे
उसकी सारी बातें मुझे पता हुआ करती थीं
बस एक ही सवाल का जवाब वो कभी नहीं देती थीं
की तू किससे प्यार करती है ?
वो कहती थी " तुझे खुद पता चल जाएगा " आज उसे इस मुकाम पर देख मुझे अपना जवाब मिल गया
की उसे प्यार था
अपने सपनों से प्यार ।
हम दोनों सबसे अच्छे दोस्त थे एक दुसरे से कुछ नहीं छिपाते थे
उसकी सारी बातें मुझे पता हुआ करती थीं
बस एक ही सवाल का जवाब वो कभी नहीं देती थीं
की तू किससे प्यार करती है ?
वो कहती थी " तुझे खुद पता चल जाएगा " आज उसे इस मुकाम पर देख मुझे अपना जवाब मिल गया
की उसे प्यार था
अपने सपनों से प्यार ।
- Divya Bharti, M.Sc., II Year
Second entry:
दीवाली में पुरानी किताबो की सफ़ाई के दौरान दीप्ति को एक किताब के पन्नों के बीच दबा गुलाब का फूल मिला जिसे देखते ही वो यादोंमें ऐसी खोई कि कब दोपहर से शाम हो गयी उसे पता ही नहीं चला।
क्या वाकई पहला प्यार कभी नहीं भुलाया जा सकता?

दीवाली में पुरानी किताबो की सफ़ाई के दौरान दीप्ति को एक किताब के पन्नों के बीच दबा गुलाब का फूल मिला जिसे देखते ही वो यादोंमें ऐसी खोई कि कब दोपहर से शाम हो गयी उसे पता ही नहीं चला।
क्या वाकई पहला प्यार कभी नहीं भुलाया जा सकता?
- Rahul Jharia, MBA (MM), II Year
Tremendous stories, So many flavors, various shades of life. some of them Beautiful some of them Speechless. Awesome Efforts.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all Thanks Initiator, admin to start it, and all participants writers for sporty spirit.
Defiantly there are much more possibilities of improvement in some areas ....like grammatical mistakes, sentence framing, proper start & ending...but allover it's good and Impressive. So Everybody is a Winner.
In next segment we try to maintain a benchmark.....Good Luck....
I agree, it's amazing to read such varied, and beautiful, thoughts and stories on one topic.
DeleteAnd with time, improvement will definitely follow.. :)
Thank you for the appreciation, sir! The writers are doing a great job and I am just too happy and glad to have everybody write. :D
Pri, everytime I read your story, I fall in love with myself.
ReplyDelete:D :D Could it be better?
DeleteI am glad!