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Another morning, time to wake up... Alarm buzz, birds chirp with a mingle sound. I start to open my eyes leisurely, window glows and what it saw was a ravishing smoggy dawn. College starts at 9 and I need to be quick. 10 kilometers drive makes me shiver like hell but I enjoy it because it’s winters.
- Aman Soni, MBA (MM), I Year
Summer: She was warm, beautiful and high spirited...
But when they are together, winter is warmest...
- Priyanka Agrawal, M. Sc., III Year
One morning when Sakshi woke up she was surprised seeing her 8 years old son holding a hot cup of tea standing besides her bed.She asked him what it was today?He replied:"Everyday you do so much for us mom,in this freezing winter morning this is a token of love for you."
- Divneet Kaur Walia, MBA(MM),I Year
A drunk me sang, "Come with me to the nearest bedroom my lady, I'll take you to the land of incredible happiness". A smart she mockingly retorted ,"First win me honey, I dare you, kiss the nearest land like you'd kiss me." Frozen ground. Tongue stuck. Stayed there till ambulance arrived. Deserved. Apologized after discharge.
- Sahil Chandwani, MBA (MM) I Year
He could be everywhere, but in her arms.
Despite hugging his over sized jacket, her heart only felt winter.
- Priyanka Dharamsi, MBA (MM) I Year
She was a wife, a mother, a daughter in law, was considered free all day as she was a housewife but only she knew how difficult it was to be one.
The season was ending, gathering all the clothes, washing them & keeping everything ready for summer was going to be her next month's schedule...
- Mehul Newaskar, MBA (MM), I Year
"Yummy hot chocolate..!" She said to her mom. It was a beautiful snowy morning. Little cozy, little lazy, lying on the bed with the quilts on.. just so perfect.. Yes, this is how the winters are..
- Gunmeet Kaur, MBA (MM), I Year
She was happy with me. I thought she, too, was falling for me but it was only my perception. She was just interested in my cousin. I was in a dilemma - couldn't accept nor could ignore. And the winters just made me feel more cold and froze my tears.
- Ankita Methwani, MBA (MM), I Year
Just 2 months and his 1st winter..
Sneezes. Cough. Dull. Pain. Quiet. Doctor. Injections. Medicines. Lots of care.
In 10 days, he and my worried self finally got back to normal…
Healthy. Happiness. Noise. Fun. Moving all over the place. Learning. Growing up.
He’s my baby. Unconditional love we share… A lot more than a pet my pug "Neo" is.
- Shruti Singh, MBA (MM), I Year
I'm a cold blooded being, I have an armor shield, I hide myself in me when winters make me chill. I thank my lord who bestow food and shawl.
Soon this winter would go I'll then play with my lord at shore.
I'm a little turtle enjoying winters by my own!
- Vishal Dhir, MBA (MM), I Year
Everywhere silence, was just me & you. Everywhere darkness & water too. I was shivering; suddenly you wrapped me into your warm sweater. That sweater was like your arms, so safe, so warm... you hugged me. I closed my eyes..said- I LOVE U & we kissed. That dreamy cold night changed my whole life..
- Deepika Piplodiya, MBA (MM), I Year
He promised me. But, he had come tired from office. We had dinner & he slept.
Love between us was fading. I slept too.
2 am: "Baby get up!" Bewildered, I asked “What? Why?”
"Baby, it’s December 23, we are going to Marine Drive, you forgot?"
Astonished, I hugged him & he whispered "I Love You".
-Rashmeet Kaur Bedi, MBA (MM), I Year.
A cold morning in hostel, I found myself in a deep flashback…
“Mumma,don’t wake me up, it’s just 9& you know na how much I love to sleep in winters.”
Maa smiled & said, "chai la dun?"
Those were the days when I used to enjoy every moment of the so called "thand".
But now there is neither mumma's tea nor thand.
- Nancy Neel, MBA (MM), I Year.
Dusk had just fallen. We reached the destination. 4 degrees, cool breeze, two enchanting souls ducked into love, cozy moments. The winter evenings are even more beautiful. Though, we don’t know the truth - Is it infatuation or love? Keeping the moment alive, he kissed my forehead. I just smiled but silence between us had spoken thousand words.
- Abhilasha Sharma, MBA (MM), I Year.
Once I was walking through a street, wearing 2 sweaters and a jacket but was still shivering.
Suddenly, I noticed a child playing, wearing a dusty shorts and a t-shirt.
Something made me give him my jacket.
That smile on his face made me feel like the richest person and that was much more than any money in the world..
- Prateek Mahant, MBA (MM), I Year.
December time..!!
Great snowfall, I was shivering..
Mom came and hugged me. I looked at her and hugged her again..
She asked- “What happened baby..?”
I smiled and said- “Oh nothing mom! You can save me from thand also..!"
- Saranga Mungad, MBA (MM), I Year.
He was at some distance. . I was walking towards him. . But then I saw his eyes. . Felt something wrong. . He said its over now. . I explained. . But he had decided. . He left. . I froze. . I couldn't make out that it was because of his words or the Winter.
- Devanshee Singh, MBA (MM), II Year
सर्दी की इन सर्द रातों में गाड़ियों को आते जाते देख सड़क किनारे बैठा मेरा नंगा बदन तन्हा, बिल्कुल अकेला सोच रहा की काश आज तो रोटी मिल जाए और यह सर्द रात बाकी रातों की तरह ही बित जाए या फिर इस जिस्म की आख़िरी रात बन जाए.. ये रूह आज़ाद हो जाए.
- Ashish Kumar, MBA (MM) II Year
सर्दियों में सोते वक़्त नींद में अपनी रजाई अनजाने में फेंक देना मेरी आदत थी। तब माँ रात को चुपचाप मेरे कमरे में आकर मेरी रजाई मुझे ओढ़ा दिया करती। आजकल सर्दियों में अक्सर मेरी रातें ठिठुरते ही बीतती है क्योंकि माँ गुजरे साल हो चुका है और मेरी आदत अब तक गई नहीं है।
- Rahul Jharia, MBA (MM) II Year
जन्वरी की उन सर्द रातों मे जब मेला लगा करता था तो बर्फ की सिल्ली पर करतब दिखता था एक श्ख्स शायद उन तालियों की गड़गड़ाहट से अपने घर के चूल्हे को गर्म रखने की खातिर. सोचता हूँ, शायद गर्मियों मे चूल्हा ठंडा रहता होगा.
- Vibhor Upadhyay, M. Sc. II Year
यार , ठंड बहुत हो गई है।
हाँ, पर इतनी भी नहीं।
हाँ ,तुझे वैसे भी नहीं लगती है
आय एम हॅाट बेहबी। तुझे तो ज्यादा लगती है ना?यू आर नॅाट हॅाट मोटी
ओय।मोटी होगी तेरी बीवी।
हाँ वही तो बोला।
अच्छा ,मैं जा रही।
तू जाड़ी।ओके, सुन!!! स्वेटर पहन लेना। ठंड को ठंड लग जाएगी वरना।
Love between us was fading. I slept too.
2 am: "Baby get up!" Bewildered, I asked “What? Why?”
"Baby, it’s December 23, we are going to Marine Drive, you forgot?"
Astonished, I hugged him & he whispered "I Love You".
-Rashmeet Kaur Bedi, MBA (MM), I Year.
A cold morning in hostel, I found myself in a deep flashback…
“Mumma,don’t wake me up, it’s just 9& you know na how much I love to sleep in winters.”
Maa smiled & said, "chai la dun?"
Those were the days when I used to enjoy every moment of the so called "thand".
But now there is neither mumma's tea nor thand.
- Nancy Neel, MBA (MM), I Year.
Dusk had just fallen. We reached the destination. 4 degrees, cool breeze, two enchanting souls ducked into love, cozy moments. The winter evenings are even more beautiful. Though, we don’t know the truth - Is it infatuation or love? Keeping the moment alive, he kissed my forehead. I just smiled but silence between us had spoken thousand words.
- Abhilasha Sharma, MBA (MM), I Year.
Once I was walking through a street, wearing 2 sweaters and a jacket but was still shivering.
Suddenly, I noticed a child playing, wearing a dusty shorts and a t-shirt.
Something made me give him my jacket.
That smile on his face made me feel like the richest person and that was much more than any money in the world..
- Prateek Mahant, MBA (MM), I Year.
December time..!!
Great snowfall, I was shivering..
Mom came and hugged me. I looked at her and hugged her again..
She asked- “What happened baby..?”
I smiled and said- “Oh nothing mom! You can save me from thand also..!"
- Saranga Mungad, MBA (MM), I Year.
He was at some distance. . I was walking towards him. . But then I saw his eyes. . Felt something wrong. . He said its over now. . I explained. . But he had decided. . He left. . I froze. . I couldn't make out that it was because of his words or the Winter.
- Devanshee Singh, MBA (MM), II Year
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Credits: Google |
- Ashish Kumar, MBA (MM) II Year
सर्दियों में सोते वक़्त नींद में अपनी रजाई अनजाने में फेंक देना मेरी आदत थी। तब माँ रात को चुपचाप मेरे कमरे में आकर मेरी रजाई मुझे ओढ़ा दिया करती। आजकल सर्दियों में अक्सर मेरी रातें ठिठुरते ही बीतती है क्योंकि माँ गुजरे साल हो चुका है और मेरी आदत अब तक गई नहीं है।
- Rahul Jharia, MBA (MM) II Year
जन्वरी की उन सर्द रातों मे जब मेला लगा करता था तो बर्फ की सिल्ली पर करतब दिखता था एक श्ख्स शायद उन तालियों की गड़गड़ाहट से अपने घर के चूल्हे को गर्म रखने की खातिर. सोचता हूँ, शायद गर्मियों मे चूल्हा ठंडा रहता होगा.
- Vibhor Upadhyay, M. Sc. II Year
यार , ठंड बहुत हो गई है।
हाँ, पर इतनी भी नहीं।
हाँ ,तुझे वैसे भी नहीं लगती है
आय एम हॅाट बेहबी। तुझे तो ज्यादा लगती है ना?यू आर नॅाट हॅाट मोटी
ओय।मोटी होगी तेरी बीवी।
हाँ वही तो बोला।
अच्छा ,मैं जा रही।
तू जाड़ी।ओके, सुन!!! स्वेटर पहन लेना। ठंड को ठंड लग जाएगी वरना।
- Shivani Soni, MBA (MM) II Year
Great work by all seriously!
ReplyDeletePriyanka ma'm, priyanka, nancy, sahil, ashish bhaia, rahul bhaia..
Loved your stories! :-)
Indeed nice stories.. :)
DeleteAnd thanks Vibhor! :)
Deletei loved urs..! @sahil chandwani :)